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Edit Commissions

You can edit Commissions and Organization people on :


On edit commissions you have access to edit:

  • Organisations
  • Functions


First choose list which you want to edit. List is shown when clicking Commissions tab. You can click to edit organisation by clicking "group" button.


After clicking one of organisations you have to select which group you want to edit.


Then list of members is shown. On member list you can edit each person with clicking "person" icon on the last tab.

You can add new person with functions below the list of members. To add new member you have to find him in judobase system. If the person is not in the system you have to add him in judobase. After that you select:

  • Function
  • Line
  • Order


When editing person you can edit:

  • Family name
  • Given name
  • Email (only 1)
  • Mobile
  • Phone
  • WWW
  • Skype
  • Facebook
  • Twitter
  • Linkedin
  • Order group
  • Order list


Edit Functions

In the list of functions you can create new function. To create new function you need to enter:

  • Function name
  • Group
  • Type

With edit button you can edit same data.

Edit picture on Commissions

Pictures displayed on IJF.ORG are connected to online cloud found on:

You can find correct location by "Inspecting" picture. Read the end of the URL automatically show by clicking Inspect. Last 2 numbers will show you map and file name in which picture is stored.

Inspect picture

Right click -> Inspect


example: map=350 and file name = 35659.jpg


Replace the pictures on the cloud and refresh the web link of the picture. You can also use "Refresh file (purge)" function to refresh picture. Sometimes cloud needs some time to refresh itself.


Edit Bio on Commissions

Bios are same as pictures stored on cloud. You can find them on:


Replace file with existing one and refresh web link or use "Refresh file (purge)" function. Cloud will sometimes need a minute to refresh.
