Documentation of IJF.ORG
Here you can find information on how to edit data on IJF.ORG
IJF.ORG Editor
You can access IJF.ORG editor on : https://www.ijf.org/backend
Super Admin rules will allow you access:
- Administariton home
- Settings
- News / Articles
- Galleries
- Widgets
- Sponsors
- Products
- Commissions
- Documents
- Anti-Doping
- Tag manager
- Users
Administration home
Administration home allows you to show Social media numbers which have to be edit manually.
Allow you to edit Current live event.
You can also set youtube video on front page of ijf.org.
News / Articles
News/Articles tab has 3 sections:
- List all
- Structure
- Send mailing
In news and articles you can find List of articles and Articles on frontend of ijf.org.
On List of articles you can:
- Edit articles
- Delete Articles
- Add article to Frontend main news
Each articles on list has its own ID and update / publish dates.